vineri, 4 septembrie 2009


The first unasked question I feel I must answer is "Why have I decided to write in a blog?" Well, the fact is that almost everyone nowadays has one, but to be honest, this is not the reason for my choice. The truth is that a pretty...let's not say boring, but rather "unoccupied" evening made me think about this.
Almost every day I find a song or video, old or new, that pretty much sums up my feelings for that moment or is simply too catchy to get it off my head. So I thought about posting these songs somewhere, so that I could keep an evidence of them and maybe even make other people interested in the music i listen to. I will also post additional trivia to the song to make it more interesting.
Now that I think about it, I may also post on movies, books, pictures or articles that caught my eye.
Finally, I must confess that I haven't started a blog in order to have many visitors. For me, it's a fun way to spend a couple of minutes every other day.
These being said, my name is Cristina, let us begin!

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